Career Coaching

In the career coaching your personal career panorama is developed. This method enables a comprehensive assessment of your current position and a well-founded self-reflection. Step by step we will work out:


  • Which strengths, abilities and talents have I acquired in the course of my career? Which core competencies or signature strengths characterise me?
  • Which action-leading values and personal motivators do I have? These values and career anchors act as a compass in (professional) life
  • Which environment (people, situations, structures, cultural factors) is favourable for me?
  • Which interests do I want to realize? Which life goals do I want to achieve?


This way a motivating personal and/or professional vision of the future is created step by step.

At the same time, your self-perception and self-control skills are strengthened so that you can clearly perceive new perspectives and approach upcoming changes calmly and with composure.